VIEW Certified Configuration Guide
WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series
with AP-2330
June 2008 Edition
Version G
Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Polycom’s Voice Interoperability for Enterprise Wireless (VIEW)
Certification Program is designed to ensure interoperability and high
performance between SpectraLink Wireless Telephones and wireless
LAN (WLAN) infrastructure products.
The products listed below have been thoroughly tested in Polycom’s
lab and have passed VIEW Certification. This document details how
to configure the Nortel WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series and
WLAN AP-2330/2330A/2330B with SpectraLink Wireless
Certified Product Summary
WLAN Security Switches
Approved products:
Access points
2300 software version certified:
SpectraLink handset models certified: **
SpectraLink handset software certified:
SpectraLink radio mode:
122.010 or greater
12 *
Maximum telephone calls per AP:
Recommended network topology:
Switched Ethernet (required)
Denotes products directly used in Certification testing.
* Maximum calls tested during VIEW Certification. The certified product may actually support a higher
number of maximum calls for 802.11a radio modes.
** SpectraLink handset models 8020/8030, e340/h340/i640 and their OEM derivates are VIEW Certified
with the WLAN hardware and software identified in the table. Throughout the remainder of this
document they will be referred to collectively as “SpectraLink Wireless Telephones”.
Service Information
The access point (AP) must support SpectraLink Voice Priority
(SVP). Contact your AP vendor if you need to upgrade the AP
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Configuration Guide
Contacting Nortel Technical Support
If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel product from a
distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff
for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
Additional information about the Nortel Technical Solutions Centers
An Express Routing Code (ERC) is available for many Nortel
products and services. When you use an ERC, your call is routed to a
technical support person who specializes in supporting that product
or service. To locate an ERC for your product or service, go to
If you purchased a Nortel service program, contact one of the
following Nortel Technical Solutions Centers:
Europe, Middle East, and Africa - 00800 8008 9009 or
+44 (0) 870 907 9009
North America - (800) 4NORTEL or (800) 466-7835
Asia Pacific - (61) (2) 9927-8800
China - (800) 810-5000
Known Limitations
During VIEW Certification testing, the following limitations were
RF Active Scan must be disabled on AP radios that are providing
voice services, including SpectraLink Wireless Telephones.
You must disable Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
snooping when running SpectraLink Radio Protocol (SRP), which
is used with the SpectraLink 8000 Telephony Gateway. SRP uses
multicast packets to do an SRP Check-In, which are not forwarded
through the WLAN Security Switch (WSS) when IGMP snooping
is enabled. When a tunneled virtual LAN (VLAN) is configured
over a Layer-3 network, IGMP snooping must be disabled each
time the tunnel is established, because the virtual VLAN is
established with IGMP snooping turned on by default.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Network Topology
The following topology was tested during VIEW Certification. It is
important to note that these do not necessarily represent all
“Certified” configurations.
Both Layer-2 and Layer-3 roaming were tested. Layer-3 roaming of
SpectraLink Wireless Telephones requires the use of a generic routing
encapsulation (GRE) tunnel.
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Configuration Guide
Access Point Capacity and Positioning
Please refer to the Polycom Deploying Enterprise-Grade Wi-Fi Telephony
white paper. This document covers the security, coverage, capacity
and QoS considerations necessary for ensuring excellent voice quality
with enterprise Wi-Fi networks.
For more detailed information on wireless LAN layout, network
infrastructure, QoS, security and subnets, please see the Best Practices
document identifies issues and solutions based on Polycom’s
extensive experience in enterprise-class Wi-Fi telephony, and
provides recommendations for ensuring that a network environment
is adequately optimized for use with SpectraLink 8020/8030 Wireless
For setting up the data rates, please consult your facility’s RF site
survey, designed for voice traffic, to determine if you have sufficient
coverage to support all data rates. SpectraLink Wireless Telephones
require the following minimum dBm reading to support the
corresponding “Required” data rate setting in the access point.
Minimum Available
Radio Standard
Signal Strength (RSSI)
"Required" Data Rate
-70 dBm
-60 dBm
-63 dBm
-47 dBm
-60 dBm
-45 dBm
1 Mb/s
11 Mb/s
6 Mb/s
54 Mb/s
6 Mb/s
54 Mb/s
All SpectraLink Wireless Telephones on the WLAN network must be
configured for a single radio standard (802.11a, or 802.11b, or
802.11g). Handsets configured for different radio standards will not
work together.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Configuring a New WLAN Security Switch
Starting from Factory Defaults
1. Using the supplied DB-9 male to DB-9 female standard RS-232
cable, connect the WLAN Security Switch to the serial port of a
terminal or PC.
2. Run a terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal) or
use a VT-100 terminal with the following configuration:
Bits per second:
Data bits:
Stop bits:
Flow control:
3. Power-on the WLAN Security Switch. The status of the boot
process will appear in the console as the switch is powering up.
Once the switch is operational you will be presented with a login
4. A Quick Start Wizard provides for an easy means to perform
initial WLAN Security Switch setup and configuration. Refer to
the WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series Quick Start Guide found at
Nortel’s Technical Support site. This document contains a detailed
explanation of using the Startup Wizard:
5. Once the WLAN Security Switch has been configured via the
Quick Start Wizard, the remaining configuration can be
performed using command line interface (CLI), Web View or
WLAN Management Software (WMS). Configuration examples
will be provided for both CLI and WMS.
6. If necessary, the WLAN Security Switch may be reset to factory
defaults. To reset the WLAN Security Switch to factory defaults,
you must issue the “clear boot config” command via the console.
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Configuration Guide
Connecting APs
To configure the WLAN Security Switch (WSS) to support an AP, you
must first determine how the AP will connect to the switch. There are
two types of AP-to-WSS connection: direct and distributed.
Directly connected APs
In direct connection, an AP connects to one or two 10/100 ports on a
WSS. The WSS port is then configured specifically for a direct
attachment to an AP. There is no intermediate networking equipment
between the WSS and AP, and only one AP is connected to the WSS
port. The WSS 10/100 port provides power over Ethernet (PoE) to the
AP. The WSS also forwards data only to and from the configured AP
on that port. The port numbers on the WSS which are configured for
directly attached APs reference a particular AP.
Distributed APs
An AP that is not directly connected to a WSS is considered a
distributed AP. There may be intermediate Layer 2 switches or Layer
3 IP routers between the WSS and the AP. The WSS may
communicate to the distributed AP through any network port. (A
network port is any port connecting the switch to other networking
devices, such as switches and routers, and it can also be configured
for 802.1Q VLAN tagging.) The WSS contains a configuration for a
distributed AP based on the AP’s serial number. Similar to ports
configured for directly connected APs, distributed AP configurations
are numbered and can reference a particular AP. These numbered
configurations do not, however, reference any physical port.
During VIEW Certification, the 2330 access points were tested while
directly connected to a port on the WLAN Security Switch (e.g. port
1), but both methods are supported.
For more information on how to configure the network to support a
distributed AP, see the Nortel WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series
Configuration Guide.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Command, comment, and screen text key
In the sections below you will find commands, comments and system
responses or other screen-displayed information involved in the
configuration process. This key explains the text styles and symbols
used to denote them.
Text Style
Typed command
Encryption key, domain name or other information
specific to your system that needs to be entered
Comment about a command or set of commands
System response or other displayed information
# xxxxxxxx
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Configuration Guide
Configuration Example – CLI
AP configuration
To add a directly connected AP-2330 attached to port 1 on a WSS
using CLI:
set port type ap 1 model 2330 poe enable
# Defines the port number on the switch that the AP
is connected to, the model number of the AP and
enables PoE on the switch port. Valid model numbers
include the 2330, 2330A and 2330B.
set ap 1 radio 1 tx-power 10 mode enable
# Sets the channel number, transmit power and enables
the 802.11g radio.
set ap 1 radio 2 channel 44 tx-power 10 mode enable
# Sets the channel number, transmit power and enables
the 802.11a radio.
To add a distributed AP-2330 to a WSS using CLI:
set dap 1 serial-id stpw20kc3 model 2330
# Defines the DAP number, serial-id and model number
of the AP. Valid model numbers include the 2330,
2330A and 2330B.
set dap 1 radio 1 channel 11 tx-power 10 mode enable
# Sets the channel number, transmit power and enables
the 802.11g radio.
set dap 1 radio 2 channel 40 tx-power 10 mode enable
# Sets the channel number, transmit power and enables
the 802.11a radio.
VLAN configuration
For security and flexibility it is recommended that voice and data be
configured on separate VLANs. For this example a new VLAN named
Voice with a VLAN ID 2 will be created and tagged to the uplink port
set vlan 2 name Voice
# Creates a new VLAN ID and defines the name.
set vlan 2 port 8 tag 2
# Assigns the VLAN to a port and specifies an 802.1Q
tag value.
set igmp disable vlan Voice
# Disables IGMP on Voice VLAN.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Service profile / SSID configuration
To create a SSID named Voice using WPA-PSK that will be advertised
on 802.11a/b/g radios using CLI:
set service-profile Voice ssid-name Voice
# Creates a new service profile and SSID named Voice.
Note it’s a best practice recommendation to use the
same name for both the service profile and SSID
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort
# Sets the authentication type to open
authentication. With WPA-PSK the pre-shared key will
be used to authenticate the handset.
set service-profile Voice wpa-ie enable
# Enables WPA security.
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase <enter-a-
# Defines the passphrase required to access the SSID.
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable
# Enables pre-shared-key authentication.
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable
# Disables 802.1x authentication.
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name Voice
# Specifies the VLAN name to map the voice handsets
traffic to.
To create a SSID named Voice using WPA2-PSK that will be
advertised on 802.11a/b/g radios using CLI:
set service-profile Voice ssid-name Voice
# Creates a new service profile and SSID named Voice.
Note it’s a best practice recommendation to use the
same name for both the service profile and SSID
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort
# Sets the authentication type to open
authentication. With WPA-PSK the pre-shared key will
be used to authenticate the handset.
set service-profile Voice rsn-ie enable
# Enables WPA2 security.
set service-profile Voice cipher-tkip disable
# Disables TKIP encryption.
set service-profile Voice cipher-ccmp enable
# Enables AES/CCMP encryption.
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase <enter-a-
# Defines the passphrase required to access the SSID.
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable
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Configuration Guide
# Enables pre-shared-key authentication.
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable
# Disables 802.1x authentication.
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name Voice
# Specifies the VLAN name to map the voice handsets
traffic to.
Radio Profile configuration
The default Radio Profile needs to be modified to disable certain
features to support the handsets. To modify the default Radio Profile
using CLI:
set radio-profile default service-profile Voice
# Maps the voice service profile and SSID to the
radio profile. This determines which 802.11 radios
advertise and can support voice handsets.
set radio-profile default dtim-interval 3
# Sets the DTIM interval to support push-to-talk.
set radio-profile default auto-tune channel-config
# Disables automatic channel assignment for radios
assigned to the radio profile. A static channel
configuration is recommended to provide a stable and
optimum RF environment for the handsets.
set radio-profile default active-scan disable
# Disables active-scanning which prevents the radios
from going off-channel and disrupting voice services.
set radio-profile default qos-mode svp
# Sets the QoS mode to SVP. WMM support is not
currently available on the SpectraLink Wireless
Access control list
To create an access control list (ACL) that allows and prioritizes IP
protocol 119 (SVP) with a Class of Service (CoS) 7 and allows all other
IP traffic on the Voice VLAN using CLI:
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit cos 7 119
# Creates an ACL that matches protocol 119 (SVP) and
marks it with a CoS 7.
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit
# Creates an ACL that matches all traffic and ports.
commit security acl SpectraLink
# Commits and applies the ACL.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice in
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice out
# Applies the ACL to the Voice VLAN for ingress and
egress traffic.
To create an ACL that allows and prioritizes IP protocol 119 (SVP)
with a Class of Service (CoS) 7 and denies all other IP traffic on the
Voice VLAN using CLI:
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit cos 7 119
# Creates an ACL that matches protocol 119 (SVP) and
marks it with a CoS 7
commit security acl SpectraLink
# Commits and applies the ACL.
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice in
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice out
# Applies the ACL to the Voice VLAN for ingress and
egress traffic.
Saving changes
To save the current changes to a WSS using CLI:
save config
# Saves all configuration changes to the running
configuration file.
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Configuration Guide
Configuration Example –
WLAN Management Software
Adding a WLAN Security Switch to the Network Plan
Before WLAN Management Software can be used to configure a
WLAN Security Switch, the WSS must be added to the WMS server.
To add a WLAN Security Switch to WLAN Management Software:
1. Assuming that WMS is installed and a Network Plan has been
created, launch the WMS client and connect to the WMS server.
For more information, see the Nortel WLAN Management Software
2300 Series User Guide.
2. In WMS, click Configuration on the tool bar.
3. In the Network Plan Tasks panel, under Other select Upload WSS.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
4. In the IP Address field, type the IP address for the WLAN Security
5. In the Enable Password field, type the enable password for the
WLAN Security Switch.
The enable password must match the enable password that was
defined in the Quick Start Wizard. For more information, see the
Nortel WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series Configuration Guide.
6. Click the Next button. The uploading progress is shown.
7. After the Successfully uploaded device message is displayed, click the
Next button.
AP configuration
To add a directly connected or distributed AP to a WLAN Security
Switch using WMS:
1. Connect the AP to the network (distributed AP) or a free PoE port
on the switch (directly connected AP).
2. In WMS click Configuration on the tool bar.
3. In the Organizer panel, expand the WSS and select Access Points.
4. In the Network Plan Tasks panel, create a new AP by selecting
Distributed AP or Directly Connected AP.
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Configuration Guide
5. For directly connected APs, select an available port on the switch
from the Available Ports drop-down list. Click the Next button.
6. For distributed APs, enter the Name and Serial Number of the AP.
Click the Next button.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
7. Specify the model of the Nortel AP you are configuring. Valid
models include 2330, 2330A and 2330B. Click the Next button.
8. To configure the 802.11g Radio:
a. Select default for the Radio Profile.
b. Specify the Channel Number and Transmit Power the radio should
use, as determined by the site survey performed on the
facility. Click the Next button.
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Configuration Guide
9. To configure the 802.11a Radio,
a. Select default for the Radio Profile.
b. Specify the Channel Number and Transmit Power the radio should
use, as determined by the site survey performed on the
10. Click the Finish button.
11. The AP has now been added to the WLAN Security Switch.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
VLAN configuration
For security and flexibility it is recommended that voice and data be
on separate VLANs. For this example, a new VLAN named Voice with
a VLAN ID 2 will be created and tagged to the uplink port 8.
1. In WMS click Configuration on the tool bar.
2. In the Organizer panel, expand the WSS and select VLANs.
3. In the Network Plan Tasks panel, select Create VLAN.
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Configuration Guide
4. For VLAN Name enter Voice.
5. For VLAN ID specify 2. Click the Next button.
6. In the Port/Port Group list, select the 802.1Q tagged uplink port
(P08) and click the Add button.
7. Click the Tag check box and specify the 802.1Q tag value 2.
8. Click the Finish button.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
9. The Voice VLAN 2 is now 802.1Q tagged to the uplink port P08.
a. Highlight the Voice VLAN.
b. In the Network Plan Tasks panel, select IGMP.
10. In the VLAN Properties window, disable IGMP by clearing the
Enabled check box. Click the OK button.
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Configuration Guide
Service Profile / SSID configuration
To create a SSID named Voice using WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK that will be
advertised on 802.11a/b/g radios using WMS:
1. In WMS click Configuration on the tool bar.
2. In the Organizer panel expand the WSS and select Wireless Services.
3. In the Network Plan Tasks panel, create a new wireless service by
selecting Voice Service Profile.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
4. In the New Voice Service Profile introduction screen click the Next
5. Specify a Name and SSID for the Voice Service Profile.
6. Set the SSID Type to Encrypted and use the default Vendor type
SpectraLink. Click the Next button.
Selecting the vendor SpectraLink tells WMS what ACLs to create to
prioritize the voice traffic later in the wizard.
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Configuration Guide
7. Select the Open Access check box. Click the Next button.
MAC authentication may optionally be selected but will require that
the MAC addresses for each handset be defined in the local AAA
database on the WSS.
8. Settings for Wireless Security:
a. To support handsets using WPA-PSK security, select the WPA
check box.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
b. To support handsets using WPA2-PSK, select the RSN (WPA2)
check box.
Click the Next button.
10. Settings for Wireless Encryption Cipher Suite:
a. To support handsets using WPA-PSK with TKIP, select the
TKIP check box.
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Configuration Guide
b. To support handsets using WPA2-PSK with AES/CCMP,
select the AES (CCMP) check box and click the Next button.
11. Enter a hexadecimal pre-shared key or passphrase.
a. If a passphrase is entered, click the Generate button to generate
the hexadecimal pre-shared key.
The pre-shared key must match on both the WSS and handsets or
the handsets will not be able to associate with the Voice SSID.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
12. Click the Next button.
13. Specify the VLAN named Voice. This determines the VLAN that
the WSS will map the handset traffic to.
14. Click the Next button.
15. A default ACL will be generated which will allow and prioritize
IP protocol 119 (SVP) traffic with the Class of Service level 7 and
pass all other IP traffic on the Voice VLAN.
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Configuration Guide
a. (Optional) Modify the default ACL by removing the last
statement, which will allow and prioritize IP protocol 119
(SVP) but deny all other IP traffic on the Voice VLAN.
16. Click the Next button.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
17. Assign the Voice Service Profile to the default Radio Profile. This will
determine which 802.11a and 802.11g radios will advertise the
Voice SSID. For this example the default Radio Profile will be used
which is assigned to all 802.11a/g radios. This will provide
support for handsets operating in 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g
All SpectraLink Wireless Telephones on the WLAN network must be
configured for a single radio standard (802.11a, or 802.11b, or
802.11g). Handsets configured for different radio standards will not
work together.
18. Click the Finish button.
A Voice Service Profile to support the handsets has now been
added to the WSS configuration in WMS.
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Configuration Guide
Radio Profile configuration
The default Radio Profile needs to be modified to disable certain
features to support the handsets. To modify the default Radio Profile
using WMS:
1. In WMS click Configuration on the tool bar.
2. In the Organizer panel expand the WSS and select Radio Profiles.
3. In the Radio Profiles list, highlight the default Radio Profile and click
the Properties button.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
4. In the Radio Profile Properties window, click the Radio Profile tab.
5. Clear the Enable Active Scan check box. This disables active
scanning, which prevents the radios from going off-channel and
disrupting voice services.
6. Click the Auto Tune tab.
7. Clear the Tune Channel and Tune Transmit Power check boxes. This
disables automatic channel assignment for radios assigned to the
radio profile. A static channel configuration is recommended to
provide a stable and optimum RF environment for the handsets.
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Configuration Guide
8. Click the Voice Configuration tab. Verify that the QoS Mode is set to
SVP. WMM support is not currently available on the SpectraLink
Wireless Telephones.
9. Click the OK button.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Deploying changes
Deploying the changes in WMS will upload and save the
configuration to the WSS. To deploy the changes in WMS:
1. In WMS click Devices on the tool bar.
2. In the Local Changes Task List panel, select Deploy to upload and
save the configuration changes to the WSS.
You may also Review, Schedule and Undo changes in the Local Changes
Task List panel.
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Configuration Guide
3. When the Deploy option is selected, WMS will send, apply and
save the configuration changes to the WSS.
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Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
Example Configuration Files (For Reference Only)
The following configuration file provides an example configuration to
support SpectraLink Wireless Telephones using WPA-PSK:
# Configuration nvgen'd at 2007-7-26 22:51:55
# Image
# Model 2360
# Last change occurred at 2007-7-26 22:36:12
set ip route default 1
set system name WSS2360
set system ip-address
set system countrycode US
set timezone EST -5 0
set service-profile Voice ssid-name Voice
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort
set service-profile Voice wpa-ie enable
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase enter-a-passphrase
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name Voice
set enablepass password enable-password
set user admin password admin-password
set radio-profile default service-profile Voice
set radio-profile default dtim-interval 3
set radio-profile default auto-tune channel-config
set radio-profile default active-scan disable
set radio-profile default qos-mode svp
set dap 1 serial-id stpw20kc3 model 2330
set dap 1 name WAP-2330-2
set dap 1 radio 1 channel 11 tx-power 10 mode enable
set dap 1 radio 2 channel 40 tx-power 10 mode enable
set port type ap 1 model 2330 poe enable
set ap 1 name WAP-2330-1
set ap 1 radio 1 tx-power 10 mode enable
set ap 1 radio 2 channel 44 tx-power 10 mode enable
set ip https server enable
set port poe 1 enable
set vlan 1 name Data
set vlan 1 port 8 tag 1
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Configuration Guide
set vlan 2 name Voice
set vlan 2 port 8 tag 2
set igmp disable vlan Voice
set interface 1 ip
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit cos 7 119
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit
commit security acl SpectraLink
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice in
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice out
The following configuration file provides an example configuration to
support SpectraLink Wireless Telephones using WPA2-PSK:
# Configuration nvgen'd at 2007-7-26 22:53:41
# Image
# Model 2360
# Last change occurred at 2007-7-26 22:53:34
set ip route default 1
set system name WSS2360
set system ip-address
set system countrycode US
set timezone EST -5 0
set service-profile Voice ssid-name Voice
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort
set service-profile Voice rsn-ie enable
set service-profile Voice cipher-tkip disable
set service-profile Voice cipher-ccmp enable
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase enter-a-passphrase
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name Voice
set enablepass password enable-password
set user admin password admin-password
set radio-profile default service-profile Voice
set radio-profile default dtim-interval 3
set radio-profile default auto-tune channel-config
set radio-profile default active-scan disable
set radio-profile default qos-mode svp
set dap 1 serial-id stpw20kc3 model 2330
set dap 1 name WAP-2330-2
set dap 1 radio 1 channel 11 tx-power 10 mode enable
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set dap 1 radio 2 channel 40 tx-power 10 mode enable
set port type ap 1 model 2330 poe enable
set ap 1 name WAP-2330-1
set ap 1 radio 1 tx-power 10 mode enable
set ap 1 radio 2 channel 44 tx-power 10 mode enable
set ip https server enable
set port poe 1 enable
set vlan 1 name Data
set vlan 1 port 8 tag 1
set vlan 2 name Voice
set vlan 2 port 8 tag 2
set igmp disable vlan Voice
set interface 1 ip
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit cos 7 119
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit
commit security acl SpectraLink
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice in
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice out
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